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Showing posts from January, 2017

Gratefuls From 2016, in No Particular Order

Dearest Friends, Family, and Strangers of Happenstance in the blogger world-- I had a moment of reflection the other day when my grandma told me, "Mikayla, I just can't figure it out... when I click on the link to your blog, it always looks the same. I can't see any new stories. You'll have to teach me what I'm doing wrong." I sheepishly responded that she isn't doing anything wrong. I just haven't been blogging. I'm well aware that regular blogs post on a weekly, bi-weekly, and sometimes daily basis.  I've been kinda the type to post twice in the five months of this blog's existence. And I think I've just been afraid to post anything that wasn't polished and perfect. I'mma change dat. Today I want to do summat I've been up an' trying to do since the beginning of January: Recount my 2016 blessings. Here's a few, in no particular order. Read as many or as few as you'd like. -May 23rd, 2016...