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Gratefuls From 2016, in No Particular Order

Dearest Friends, Family, and Strangers of Happenstance in the blogger world--

I had a moment of reflection the other day when my grandma told me, "Mikayla, I just can't figure it out... when I click on the link to your blog, it always looks the same. I can't see any new stories. You'll have to teach me what I'm doing wrong."

I sheepishly responded that she isn't doing anything wrong.
I just haven't been blogging.

I'm well aware that regular blogs post on a weekly, bi-weekly, and sometimes daily basis. 
I've been kinda the type to post twice in the five months of this blog's existence.
And I think I've just been afraid to post anything that wasn't polished and perfect.
I'mma change dat.

Today I want to do summat I've been up an' trying to do since the beginning of January: Recount my 2016 blessings.
Here's a few, in no particular order. Read as many or as few as you'd like.

-May 23rd, 2016. Celebrated the one year anniversary of marriage to my sweetheart Kevin. And we did it while eating in the Blue Bayou restaurant in Disneyland, while drinking mint juleps and basking in artificial pirate bayou-goodness. Loved it.

-July's Lake Powell Trip, July 31st Harry Potter Birthday Celebration, and Tanner Johnson's Mission Talk. Each of these occasions, smacked so close together, gave me time to spend with my dear Uncle Kevin Harper, who passed away only days later on August 18th. Biologically he was my great uncle, but was so much more of a rockstar grandpa to me than anything else. Love him. Miss him. I was thinkin' of you Kev when I was eating some fruit snacks today that came in a tie-die colored package. The kind of snacks we would have stashed on the Rinker for a day of boating at Powell.

-Finally interviewing for, accepting, and enjoying one of my dream jobs--as a teacher in the MTC.

-Brad Wilcox's literacy class, Winter Semester 2016. He taught me just what I needed to know to get literacy going in my current 3rd grade class. I loved his lectures and even love his textbook.

-Education Week and the Nashville Tribute Concert with my Mom. What a stupendous time we had! #qualitytime #uplifting

-Panda Express lunches with Dad. Time to just talk and for me to inquire about how to adult properly. He's still figuring it out himself, but he always listens, and he gives the best advice around. #daddysgirl

-That Kevin didn't die of altitude sickness and dehydration on our Mirror Lake trip. That my whole extended family pitched in to make sure we made it down the mountain. That priesthood holders were there to give him a blessing. That 30 minutes later, the love of my life was fine. 

-D.I. and Hokulia Shaved Ice runs and murder mysteries with Corey Joseph. Talks about philosophies and philosophies on life. #spirit-twin #brother

-The endless pictures of Jordan's faces in my Disneyland reel from October. Love that kid #what-a-ham #brother #cracksmeup

-Chatting with Austin at Jim's Family Restaurant in December. We used to fight endlessly. Now I feel like we can talk endlessly. #biggerwiddlebrother 

-Being an Engineer's Assistant aboard the Odyssey, and Tyler and I were an epic team. I really, really enjoyed that! #brother #woulda-died-without-him #spacecampsurvivors 

-That one time Kylie showed up at Disneyland when I was there and we got to ride Splash Mountain together! #cousin-sister

-When Abbey Came HOME! #nowshe'smexican #cousin-sister

-When CASEY Came HOME! #tears #cousin-sister

-My Calling as a Baptistry Temple Worker in the LDS Provo City Center Temple. That temple was dedicated on March 20th, 2016. I was amongst the happy and excited workers to hand out white clothing in that beautiful wood-covered baptistry the first Saturday Morning it was opened. And what's better? My mission President, Hugo Giuliani, is in the Temple Presidency. 

-Living it up at Bear Lake and St. George and Tuacahn with my new Johnson family!

-Teaching150 students during my student teaching experience, with the expertise and help of the amazing staffs at Harvest Elementary, Saratoga Shores Elementary, and Cascade Elementary. 

-Graduating BYU after 6 years of student-ship, and meanwhile landing a job as a 3rd grade teacher at Cascade Elementary. Go Cougars, both at BYU and Cascade!

-Endless good times with the Relief Society in the Married Student 31st Ward.

-Making New friends while keeping the old, amidst lunch dates and service projects and grocery-store-running-into-each-others and simple texts and phone calls and hair appointments. To each and every person that's loved my heart and let me be a part of theirs, I thank you.

-Traveling to Key West, Florida and Tulum, Mexico with my sweetheart. And all that speaking Spanish... it was amazing.

-Growing closer to Kevin and God when trials hit like a train in October. God loves me, and Kevin loves me. We grew closer together in prayer. And my family and dear friends and ward members love me--they were answers to those heartfelt, pleading prayers.

All the gratefuls for now.


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