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Gratefuls from 2018, In no Particular Order, and Long Overdue

OK Guys, so I know we're well into 2019 at this point, but I'm feeling this empty hole in my heart from not writing about the best parts of 2018 in a blogpost. So I'mma right this right now.

Here's my gratefuls from last calendar year, in no particular order:

  • My 3 year anniversary with the love of my life, Kevin J 😍
  • My baby boy's 1st birthday
  • Visiting Washington D.C. with my parents and brothers. My appreciation for the freedoms I enjoy, and my respect for all those who have sacrificed so much to offer those freedoms to me, increased tremendously. Plus, late nights playing Codenames in our hotel and enjoying Larry's ice cream in the Reagan Building food court were pretty awesome too. Love my family.
  • The first Christmas in a long time where I gave gifts I really put a lot of time, thought, and sweat into; and received beautiful gifts of the same kind.
  • Finally reaching a weight and status of activity/health that made me feel comfortable and happy in my own skin. 
  • Starting this blog :)
  • Turning 26 years old
  • Finishing my 2nd year teaching, and all of the dozens of incredible students and colleagues I was blessed to meet and learn from
  • Taking baby boy on his first camping trip!
  • Trying bran muffins for the first time. And thereafter becoming hooked to bran muffins in the most delightful way.
  • Celebrating the life of my Great-Uncle Keith Renstrom, who passed away on the 4th of July. He was an amazing example of patriotism and forgiveness. He was in his late 90's and even spoke at his own funeral (via a video that was recorded several years ago!). I'm grateful for him and what he taught me.
  • The loveliest of extended family trips to Bear Lake (with the Johnson Clan) and Mirror Lake (with the Boren bunch). 
Those are the ones on my mind for now, I'll add more later. But boy, was it a great year.


Day #316


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