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Showing posts from 2017

Ways My Unborn Baby Boy is Bringing Me to Jesus

There's nothing quite like being eight and a half months pregnant. I'm feeling like my abdomen is a time bomb about to explode to reveal the most cuddly and precious little blessing ever... and in this interim I'm joyful, anxious, nervous, and reflective. I've always admired how kids are down to earth, genuinely funny, and especially Christlike. Before I forget what it's like to have my little munchkin Charlie bopping around inside me, I want to pen just a few of the ways he's helped me come closer to Jesus already. I didn't start "showing" until I was 25 weeks pregnant, and even then it was ambiguous (there's the people at the grocery store that stared at me funny and then nonchalantly looked away, because they wanted to ask if I was pregnant but were afraid of just calling me out for being a bit chubby if they said anything. Their facial expressions always made me want to laugh and cry at the same time). Anyways, I could feel my littl...

Hallelujah, Anyway!

"Oh my road, oh my road ain't hallelujah, but... Hallelujah anyway!" This line is from one of Kevin and I's favorite songs, Oh My Road sung by our favorite band Grizzly Goat (check out the song and the band at their website ).  And to be honest, HALLELUJAH, ANYWAY! has become our motto these past two months. A run of bad luck hit us from late April through early June--job loss, a myriad of health issues on both our parts, and getting kicked out of our apartment, to name the biggest challenges--and with each new smattering of bad news, we put dreams on shelves. We keep kicking. We're taking time to make sense of our rearranged future.  When baloney like this hit us, I was--firstly--angry. There are plenty of places and people on whom to lay the blame, but anger--well, big surprise, it didn't help. My wise and patient husband Kevin helped take me to my knees to ask for God's help to see the big picture. To be ...

My Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ

Kevin & I were privileged to share our feelings about Christ today in our church congregation. I wanted to post here some of the words I shared today: I know Christ lives. He’s my Savior, Brother, and Friend. As I’ve pondered about what to share on this beautiful Easter Sunday, I’ve felt strongly that I should focus on our personal, individual relationships with Christ. I’ve learned of his life, teachings, death, and resurrection and I’ve been moved by these accounts of Him in the scriptures. But I’ve also come to know him on an individual level, and my life experiences with Him have moved me even more. I hope today I can convey how important it is to learn about Christ and then, in turn, learn from Christ as we open our hearts to Him and truly develop a personal relationship with Him. I pray for the Spirit to be here and that I can accurately convey the beautiful things Christ has taught me on a personal, individual level. Elder Nelson gave a fabulous talk just two w...

Gratefuls From 2016, in No Particular Order

Dearest Friends, Family, and Strangers of Happenstance in the blogger world-- I had a moment of reflection the other day when my grandma told me, "Mikayla, I just can't figure it out... when I click on the link to your blog, it always looks the same. I can't see any new stories. You'll have to teach me what I'm doing wrong." I sheepishly responded that she isn't doing anything wrong. I just haven't been blogging. I'm well aware that regular blogs post on a weekly, bi-weekly, and sometimes daily basis.  I've been kinda the type to post twice in the five months of this blog's existence. And I think I've just been afraid to post anything that wasn't polished and perfect. I'mma change dat. Today I want to do summat I've been up an' trying to do since the beginning of January: Recount my 2016 blessings. Here's a few, in no particular order. Read as many or as few as you'd like. -May 23rd, 2016...