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Three Novels in Progress. Two Blogs. One Writer. A Whole Lot of Shenanigans

Where in the world is Carmen SanDiego? Ahem, I mean Mikayla Johnson? (a wink to any of you 90s kids that remember that show. To be honest, I don't remember more than the show's jingle, but, still . . . good times)

So, where can you find my writing? 

Some of you beloved readers have found my writing through this blog; you're die–hards that have been around as long as six years. Bless you. You probably noticed that I did a dive-bomb off the blogosphere from 2019 til 2022. Now, contrary to popular belief, I did not stop writing. Rather, I went back to writing novels. 

That's where more of you beloved readers found me. Gratefully, I have a wealth of good people who volunteered to beta read my novels and have been coaching and cheerleading me along in that journey. Bless you, too. 

Still, more of you have found my writing through social media platforms, a second website (, my ENGL 420 class, and beyond. And, of course, I could never forget the handful of readers who have known me since my infancy and read my earliest work, Blackie, a seven-year-old's spin off of Clifford the Big Red Dog. You people that read that? You're true–blue.

This post is to let you know about all the word–smithing I'm currently up to, so that you can follow (or unfollow) along as you please. Here's what's up:


In November 2020, I successfully completed National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), producing my first draft of Roger, a swashbuckling tale of the man behind the notorious skull–and–crossbones ensign. Several months and two drafts later, I shared my novel with 25 (*amazing*) beta readers. After analyzing their meticulous feedback, I crafted draft four, and began submitting it to literary agents. No bites so far, but I'll keep trying.

In November 2021, I enjoyed another NaNoWriMo. This time, You'll Forget Rhett was my novel baby; a contemporary romance starring guitarist Kelly and motorcyclist Rhett. The twist? No one can remember Rhett for more than twenty-four hours. No one, that is, except Kelly. Currently, I'm in the thick of draft two with Rhett, planning for beta readers this October. Interested? Comment below :)

November 2022 NaNoWriMo is planned for a novel I'm currently outlining: The Seventeen Journals of Lorraine Mackintosh. After burying her beloved older sister, Loretta comes across seventeen secret journals—Lorraine kept one for each boy she had a crush on. Grieving her sister and desperate to know why she died, Loretta falls into a journal–reading–frenzy . . . and into a romance of her own. 


This blog,, is a repository for the following: poems, personal anecdotes, recipes, educational resources, my burning belief in Jesus, and the kitchen sink. I will post here at least twice a month. The instagram connected to this blog is @godisgoodtothejohnsons

My other website,, is the place to find all things literature: updates on my novels, reviews on books I'm reading, and what I'm learning in grad school. I will post here at least twice a month. The instagram connected to this blog is @mikjohnsonwrites


I'm in grad school. I'm currently an MFA (Master of Fine Arts) in Creative Writing at BYU. Was my undergrad in Elementary Education? Yes. Am I intimidated to be surrounded by English Language people? Absolutely. Do I frequently get raised eyebrows when people learn that I'm getting a master's degree in CREATIVE WRITING instead of educational administration while also mothering two children under the age of five? You'd better believe I do. 

You know what? I'm in love with learning. And I'm desperately in love with writing creative fiction. 

So bite me. I'm doing this.

Any questions?

Much love,

Photo cred: Leialoha Humpherys (she's not only a dear friend and a talented photographer, she also writes beautiful books. Check her work out at


  1. I'd love to be a beta reader again, if you'd have me! You know I love to read, and I loved reading Roger!
    I love that you are pursuing your passions and getting your master's degree! You have a gift, and I admire you so much for developing it despite the potential pushback from others.

    1. Sheri, you're awesome! Thanks for your encouragement and for being willing to be a beta reader!

  2. I love you! XD You tell all those eyebrow raisers! Please put me on the Rhett list too. I'm so intrigued! Also, the Seventeen Journals is a fascinating idea. I wish I could say I'd made more progress on my novels... I've been choosing to spend my time on other projects first. But as Sherri said, I love how you're going after your dreams! You da woman!


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