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Today is a WRITING FLASHBACK sort of post.

I wanted to share two poems I wrote during high school, both were published through Creative Communications Inc.  The first poem, Horse and Rider, received high merit and was published my 9th grade year. The second poem, Inside a Book, was a top 10 poem and was published my 11th grade year. 


My hands firmly grip the reins,
Wind racing wildly through my curls
My eyes gaze upon a stunning horizon
Orange Sky melting into emerald majestic mountains
A sturdy Buckskin gallops beneath me,
Hooves pounding the ground with a Thump, Thump, Thump
The familiar, thrilling sound echoing in my ears
Black mane is flailing in the air, and tail as well
The delight of the ride enthralls me thoroughly
As we--my horse and I--canter into the distance.
But greater still than the like of this adventure,
Is the love of the creature beneath me
To be able to cooperate with such an intelligent being
And both, as one--together, race across a desert expanse
To learn each other's likes and fears
All through a gentle kick, a whoa, a pull of the reins
A mutual understanding between horse and rider
That can only be learned through precious time
Now we know each other as well as the sun knows the sky
And the feeling makes me swell with joy.


The best place to be on a rainy day
One thing so amazing it sweeps you away
A land of adventure tucked between a few pages
An old rune castle not walked through for ages
A fearsome black stallion you valiantly ride
Or a tall strong knight you fight beside
Out of window on high falls maiden's hair
The dungeonous crags of a dragon's lair
Venturing the world and incredible sights
Enjoying breathtaking northern lights
The heat of a battle--your heart starts to race
A pegasus flies with endless grace
A whole new world we can explore
All we must do is open the door
If books are something you do with out
Then in many grand times you are left out
I've been enchanted in many adventures
Through forbidden castles I have ventured
A horse ride, a battle, a wild goose chase
Inside a book is my favorite place.

(Quick tangent: For anyone out there that wants to write and just hasn't had the gumption yet, I just want to tell you this: DO IT. If for no one else, please, just do it for you. There's nothing like being able to preserve a piece of yourself at this moment in time, and that's what writing does. I stopped writing regularly in fall 2014 and just now picked it back up again and let me tell you, I feel so much more ME again... 
If you want to write, DO IT. if for no one else, please, just do it for you!)


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