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Lime Shrimp Tacos & Medieval Birthday Dishware

Today I made shrimp tacos... which is a big deal because I am an inlander land-mammal sort of person, and I did not grow up eating seafood. And today I ALSO went to Color-Me-Mine with three of my favorite people: My husband, and our dear friends Cierra & Bryant.

I'm on a kick of trying dozens of new recipes each month. It's cheaper than eating out and is a heck-of-a-lot more work, but gives me the chance to adventure with food, which I just really love.
The recipe for the tacos (courtesy of the cookbook 400 Calories or Less with Our Best Bites) called for 5 limes, which I thought was an exorbitant amount, but it paid off with the crazy rich zing flavor that made our puckillary glands water (ask my Grandma Reesa for a scientific explanation of what those are). Instead of rice I made some tropical quinoa salad, and we layered them all together into some fresh tortillas, and it was delicious.

As for Color-Me-Mine, well, Kevin and I have been meaning to go for a long time. While discussing what family traditions we wanted to have early on in our marriage, we discussed the need for a special birthday plate our kids (and both of us, too...) could eat off of on our special day. But then Kevin being Kevin of course saw this chalice once and decided we needed to make ourselves a "birthday goblet" to go with it. So tonight, we did it. We made 'em.

The idea of having a birthday goblet, coupled with my long-time love of medieval stories, fostered a middle-ages theme, you see. Tonight we decided that along with eating off of the plate and drinking from the goblet, we are also going to fly the flag of Rohan outside our door every birthday. Embracing the nerddom?... You bet we are!

And our lovely friends made a plate to commemorate their wedding day last fall:

Tonight was the sort of night where it felt good to date, felt good to be creative, felt good to be with friends, felt good to make something and have it turn out. I've had PLENTY of Pinterest fails in the past bit and it was nice to see things work out tonight.

I might've spoken too soon, we'll see how things look after the kiln gets to them.

P.S. Thanks to Aunt Sarah for watching the little man so we could have a night out!

Moral of this post: Be creative. Be bold. Try something new. Date your spouse.
The end.


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