This post (or rather, series of posts) has been on my mind for months. I have hesitated and ruminated and bit my lip and held back my typing, for many reasons. Some of them include:
- I'm a white girl from Utah.
- I have no black relatives or ancestors.
- I'm under-qualified to write about a topic like Black History.
- I'm afraid of offending someone because of my inexperience writing about this subject, and because of the above statements.
Despite my reservations, I'm writing about this topic because:
- I have friends, teachers, and previous students that are black.
- I am inspired by dozens--nay, probably hundreds--of people of African descent.
- This topic is important.
- This topic is important to me.
I pray that you'll be patient with me and my imperfections as I write this week, and I hope that you'll see and feel of the vision, faith, spunk, courage, and grit of these amazing people of African heritage that I admire and revere so much.
To start, I simply want to explain what Black History Month is:
Black History Month is a yearly celebration of achievements of African Americans. Since 1976, each American president has assigned February as the month for this celebration. Other countries also designate a month to celebrating Black History, including Canada, the Netherlands, and the U.K.
Over the next several days, I will write about the lives of Jane Manning James, Jackie Robinson, and Martin Luther King, Jr. and why these good people have inspired my life, and why I'm celebrating them this month.
Day #293
Day #293
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