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Sometimes I go back through my photo library, I find writing inspiration in my memories. I'm often brought to poetry, recipes, and anecdotes from these photo jaunts.

Today I simply want to tell the story behind this picture, because the people that staged it make me laugh and I love them.

My twin brothers Jordan and Tyler are a dynamic film duo, and have been from the age of two when they commandeered my mom's camera and took shots and footage of everything from the kitchen pantry to the bathroom toilet. So, interestingly, their birthday gifts over the years have often included bizarre props, stage makeup, and other odd doo-dads. None could be quite as gruesome as the gallon of fake blood they received, but these pair of plastic skeletons come pretty close.

What's funny about these skele-bones, though, is that they were utilized by said brotherly duo to prank the rest of the family. I pulled out of the driveway on my way to work to find a skele-buddy in my passenger seat, and climbed into my queen bed one night to find one already snoozing under the covers. After I made a large batch of caramel popcorn one weekend in fall 2014 and left it on the counter, I returned from an outing with friends to find the skele-twins enjoying it, as shown below:

In conclusion, there's a lot you can do with toy skeletons, and if you need any further ideas, I know some guys 😉. But you just might invoke more laughs and memories and photo montages than fright, and that's marvelous too.

Day #292


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