My husband says his favorite color is blue.
The reality is, he has no favorite color. Or more accurately, his favorite color is not static. Depending on the day or the moment or the hour will determine which color is more appealing to him than another.
It's the same way for him with meals. I asked him (because I'm trying to be a good wife) what his favorite meal is so I could make it for him on special occasions, and he responded in illustrious vagueness, "meat and rice." No specificity, no guidelines. To be honest, he's an easy to please kinda guy. But he doesn't want to be tied down to a "favorite" that limits his options and preferences.
One of Kevin's classic phrases: "Favorites are hard." But he assures me that I'm the one exception, which makes me smile.
It just is a novel thing to me to not have "favorites." You see, Mom's favorite color was always white, and Dad's was always red, and mine was red because I wanted to be like Dad until I realized I really do love red compared to the other colors and conveniently didn't have to change my favorite and explain that to people. Have you ever had somebody you feel like you know really well all of the sudden change their favorite on you? They've always loved KitKats and then one day they're all like "100 Grands are favorite" and it BLOWS your mind?
Well, Kevin has changed my mind about that a little.
It's okay to change. It's healthy to change.
There's a few things that will always be a core, concrete part of me. I will always love God, I will always love and hold to my family. I will always love to write (have ever since I was 3 and scribbled because I didn't know my letters). Music will always be my medicine. But if my favorites change, if your favorites change--that's perfectly wonderful.
And it's totally fine to have more than one favorite, or none at all.
The end <3
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