Tonight we played Codenames
Mom, Dad, the boys and me
Around the table
We busted our guts in side splitting laughter
as we tried to guess names and places
based off one
bitty word.
You know how Hasbro always advertises with that phrase, “perfect for Family night?”
Well today they got it right
Because tonight my parents weren’t middle aged and we weren’t in our twenties
We may as well have been ten again... ALL of us!
All the bunco and Skip-bo and Racko games
All the uno and yahtzee and LIFE games
All the monopoly and Rummy and BANG! games we played
Came back to me.
Today I remembered that phrase
A family that plays together... stays together!
And giggles filled me
From all those games past
And for this game present.
Because the clue “mammal” should not describe the word “penguin,”
But when you’re family
You get it,
and for a moment
Penguins can be mammals
Plastic = Spider-Man
And Austin and I can telepathically think “moonboots” at the same time.
Mom, Dad, the boys and me
Around the table
We busted our guts in side splitting laughter
as we tried to guess names and places
based off one
bitty word.
You know how Hasbro always advertises with that phrase, “perfect for Family night?”
Well today they got it right
Because tonight my parents weren’t middle aged and we weren’t in our twenties
We may as well have been ten again... ALL of us!
All the bunco and Skip-bo and Racko games
All the uno and yahtzee and LIFE games
All the monopoly and Rummy and BANG! games we played
Came back to me.
Today I remembered that phrase
A family that plays together... stays together!
And giggles filled me
From all those games past
And for this game present.
Because the clue “mammal” should not describe the word “penguin,”
But when you’re family
You get it,
and for a moment
Penguins can be mammals
Plastic = Spider-Man
And Austin and I can telepathically think “moonboots” at the same time.
Funny how we two are so alike and have known each other all our lives and are only just beginning to realize all we mutually enjoy and are haha :) love you brother!