I'm a TEDTalk junkie of late. The speakers messages make for great entertainment and learning opportunities while I'm folding laundry and doing dishes. Yesterday I was particularly intrigued by this amazing address from Rhiannon Lambert:
Ms. Lambert surprised me. I've listened to several TEDTalks by nutritionists and dietitians of late, and after many of their words I have felt embarrassed, sheepish, frustrated, depressed, out-of-touch with my body... Anyways, Lambert's insights didn't make me feel any of those things. I felt refreshed, renewed, and empowered afterwards. These are some of my top takeaways from what she shared, in my own words:
-Skinny isn't always healthy. A diet of solely protein shakes and nutrition bars isn't healthy.
-If you eat one cookie, don't automatically push yourself to eat the whole package out of guilt and shame over the first cookie. Eat the cookie, and enjoy it with some yogurt or fruit, too.
-If you're exhausted at the end of the day, don't pressure yourself into running. Maybe go for a walk instead.
-Eating well isn't about making a list of everything you can't have. There's so much you can add to your diet, there's many nutritious foods to be enjoyed that you can incorporate into your food lifestyle. Look for other healthy and delicious things to add to what you normally eat.
-Foods aren't inherently good or bad, and those labels are harmful to our psyche. Food is meant to be enjoyed. Balance & moderation is important.
After listening I was so grateful and intrigued by her words that I looked into her website, and I found some delicious recipes (many of which have a UK feel to them) that seem easy to make.
Rhiannon, if you ever see this (and even if you don't!), I just want to thank you! I feel like I have a better grip on how to think about food, and now I have some tools to readjust my outlook on foodculture now that I've listened to and read some of your thoughts. Thank you kindly.
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